You can learn some basic sentences in any language, using international signs.
You can make it in three steps:
Step 1: Open the language selection page, select your language and open Lesson 1 (it will open in a new window). There are several sentences with international signs. Look at the video and try to repeat the sentences with the signs until you notice that it becomes natural for you.
Step 2: Select any other language on the same page and open the same lesson on it. Now, if you try to repeat the sentences with the same signs, you will be able to understand what you are saying. This lesson in the foreign language will be opened in a new window, so you can every timelook at the same lesson in your own language.
To enter the language lessons, clic here.
Step 3: There is a pdf file for every lesson. Open it and you will see the sentences with additional vocabulary with the same signs for both languages. A clic on any of those signs will open a page with explanations on how to act the sign. Repeat them in your language and again in the new language.
Step 4: Practice making new sentences. There are three possibilities for it:
-Individual learning: You simply have to do new sentences changing some of the words in them with the new vocabulary. The signs will illustrate what you are saying. In some languages you will find an activity at lesson 1 that helps you to make these sentences for the first time.
- Learning in group: Try to find some colleagues that want to learn the same language. There is an activity for every lesson that you can make together. You will have to build new sentences using the vocabulary in the same way as before, but now the activity will put you on a more reallistic situation. The activity at lesson 1 shows you also some animations to do it.
-Learning in pairs. This is the best way to learn a language with this method. If you speak language A and want to learn language B, you should make a "learning pair" with people that speak language B and want to learn your language A. Both groups will learn the same lessons with the same signs. This will allow you to be a teacher for them, correcting their errors and explaining them some facts about your language, your country and your culture. For the same reasons, they will also be the best teachers for you!
You can learn more about the international signs at